Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith
話說自從星戰第七集上映以來,沉睡已久的星戰魂又甦醒過來,熱情之火燒得正旺,加上早前年廿八大清潔,我做做樣子隨手把書櫃整理一下,竟取出數本塵封己久的STAR WARS Omnibus。
現在屈指算一算,在香港能買到美漫的地方經已不多了,真正是"could be counted on my fingers"。沒辦法,看來以後還是要多光顧Amazon cn。
說回漫畫本身,這次讀完的漫畫是Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith,講述EP4前5000年的古早歷史。以下的故事撮要來自wookiepedia:
Odan-Urr was studying Jedi history when his master, Ooroo, sent him to the Koros system to help Empress Teta fight the Unification Wars and unite the seven worlds located in the system. Once he arrived on Cinnagar he helped to conquer the last planet, Kirrek, with a technique he had learned about in his studies, battle meditation. But even with this technique he couldn't prevent casualties from occurring; among them were two blockade runners, Hok and Timar Daragon. With their parents dead, Gav and Jori Daragon got their ship, Starbreaker 12, back from Aarrba the Hutt who was holding it back as collateral.
With the ship Gav and Jori had become hyperspace explorers, but their latest route proved less than successful; they just barely made it through. They made it back to Cinnagar, but their ship was heavily damaged. Aarrba the Hutt agreed to make the repairs, but he wouldn't give their ship back until they had paid all the bills.
Ssk Kahorr sent one of his drone ships along the route discovered by Gav and Jori, but it was destroyed when it passed too close to Primus Goluud, a red supergiant. Ssk Kahorr wasn't pleased with this and sent two bounty hunters after the two hyperspace explorers. But they were saved by two Jedi, Odan-Urr and Memit Nadill. They advised them to leave the Koros system, because it was not safe for them. Gav and Jori stole back the Starbreaker 12 and desperately fled the system with random hyperspace coordinates.
On Korriban on the far side of the galaxy, a funeral procession was held for Marka Ragnos, a Dark Lord of the Sith. The procession was lead by Ludo Kressh, but just when the tomb is about to be closed, his nemesis arrived, Naga Sadow. A fight about who should be the next Dark Lord ensued between the two rivals, but they were stopped by the ghost of Marka Ragnos, who warned them of what was to come.
Meanwhile, back in the Koros system, Odan-Urr had a premonition about the evil Jedi banished centuries ago. He told Empress Teta about his dreams, and she promised that she would raise the matter on Coruscant.
Back on Korriban, the Starbreaker 12 arrived and Gav and Jori were captured by the Sith forces.
On Ziost, the Sith Lords discussed what to do with the prisoners. After a long debate it was decided to have Gav and Jori killed. But Naga Sadow, seeing in these prisoners a chance to expand the Sith Empire, did not give up that easily. He sent one of his Massassi warriors to retrieve the weapons on their ship. He hatched a plan to capture the prisoners for himself and use them to regain contact with the Republic.
Together with his most loyal Massassi warriors, he freed the Daragons. But to keep his identity hidden from the other Sith Lords, he had to kill everyone in his path, including his old mentor Simus. He left a Republic blaster behind, to let others think it was an attack by the Republic. Gav and Jori were sent to his stronghold on Khar Shian and Sadow returned to Ziost where an urgent meeting was held between the Sith Lords. The other Sith Lords were indecisive about what to do and in the confusion he claimed to be named the new Dark Lord of the Sith. The other Sith Lords, except Ludo Kressh and his supporters, agreed.
Sadow immediately called upon the others to prepare their ships and warriors so they could attack the Republic first.
Empress Teta and her two Jedi advisors had arrived at Coruscant, where she addressed the Senate about Odan-Urr's premonition, but the people listening did not believe her. Even without the help of the Republic, Teta decided to prepare her own forces.
In Naga Sadow's hidden fortress on the dark side of Khar Shian, Gav Daragon was trained in the ways of the Sith by Naga Sadow.
Naga Sadow sent his Massassi warriors to retrieve the Starbreaker 12 from Ziost and then traveled to his decoy fortress on Khar Delba, where Jori Daragon was held. On Ziost, Sadow's loyal Massassi stole the Starbreaker 12, but not without leaving evidence of their Master's involvement. Ludo Kressh discoved this evidence, and together with his supporters, Horak-mul and Dor Gal-ram, he prepared to attack Sadow's fortress on Khar Delba. Meanwhile the Starbreaker 12 arrived there.
Ludo Kressh' forces had arrived at Khar Delba and had opened fire at Sadow's apparently defenseless fortress. Naga Sadow convinced Jori Daragon that she must return to the Republic before the fortress is destroyed. Reluctant to leave her brother behind she agreed. After the Starbreaker 12 had escaped to hyperspace, Sadow called in his fleet that he had hidden on the dark side of Khar Shian. But that was not all; Massassi warriors on the ships of Horak-mul and Dol Gal-ram killed the Sith Lords and directed their fire on the ships of Ludo Kressh, who had no choice but to retreat. After this victory, Naga Sadow prepared his forces to invade the Republic, using the tracing beacon hidden on the Starbreaker 12.
本作講述的是Sith Empire首次知道Republic的存在、充滿野心的Naga Sadow利用兩名落難的Republic探索家以奪權並向Republic展開全面侵略的過程。
在這個時間點裡,Sith是一個種族而不是一個「宗教」,這個種族好戰、野蠻,卻只是在自己的星球發展,甚至連勞役的都是Sith下等種族,與外星種族沒有任何來往,在Outer rim自成一國。然而,最高位者的Sith Lords也能使用"Tricks" / "Magic",類近於Jedi的能力。
我認為本作最大的重點是講述了Sith Empire的起源。本作提及到在更早的時間,一群Jedi投身於dark side,與其他Jedi決鬥後落敗,最終被流放到Outer Rim。這些流放Jedi到達了一個叫Korriban的星球,當地的Sith種族奉他們為神明,於是這些Dark Jedi就在此落地生根,向這些Sith傳授Jedi Skill,有些更與Sith交配繁衍,故來到今日,有些Sith仍然保留人類的特徵,比如Sadow就是人類與Sith的混血兒,面部輪廓仍保留人類的感覺,眉骨也沒有純種Sith般突出。
換言之,如依照這個設定,數千年後的Sith Lord,其起源也是Jedi,不過是Dark Jedi而已。這也能解釋到何以Sith也是以Lightsaber作為武器。
本作大部份劇情都在描寫Naga的故事,作為本作的主角,其權謀詭計的確可觀,頗有一點Darth Sidious的感覺,不過是我自己太膚淺了,見不到Sith使用光劍,感覺總是有點不妥,即使我明白他是Sith族,而不是我所認識的Sith,我還是有這麼幼稚的偏見。
而本作中出現的兩名Jedi,也能稍為揭露出當時Jedi的能力與職責。每一個星球統治者都會獲派一名Jedi Master作為輔助者,Jedi也會協助投入戰事,而這兩名Jedi也展現出他們的能力——運用Battle Meditation,提升友軍的信心和戰意,同一時間恫嚇敵人,在心理上逼使敵人必會戰敗。真是方便的能力呀。
總括而言,這只是Sith Empire與Old Republic全面交戰的源起,並未進入戲肉,但作為宏大交戰的第一部份,本作恰如其份的充當前傳角色,簡而精的交代了Sith Empire的文化、風氣,以及野心家Naga Sadow的堀起,已是很不錯的故事了。
現在屈指算一算,在香港能買到美漫的地方經已不多了,真正是"could be counted on my fingers"。沒辦法,看來以後還是要多光顧Amazon cn。
說回漫畫本身,這次讀完的漫畫是Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith,講述EP4前5000年的古早歷史。以下的故事撮要來自wookiepedia:
Odan-Urr was studying Jedi history when his master, Ooroo, sent him to the Koros system to help Empress Teta fight the Unification Wars and unite the seven worlds located in the system. Once he arrived on Cinnagar he helped to conquer the last planet, Kirrek, with a technique he had learned about in his studies, battle meditation. But even with this technique he couldn't prevent casualties from occurring; among them were two blockade runners, Hok and Timar Daragon. With their parents dead, Gav and Jori Daragon got their ship, Starbreaker 12, back from Aarrba the Hutt who was holding it back as collateral.
With the ship Gav and Jori had become hyperspace explorers, but their latest route proved less than successful; they just barely made it through. They made it back to Cinnagar, but their ship was heavily damaged. Aarrba the Hutt agreed to make the repairs, but he wouldn't give their ship back until they had paid all the bills.
Ssk Kahorr sent one of his drone ships along the route discovered by Gav and Jori, but it was destroyed when it passed too close to Primus Goluud, a red supergiant. Ssk Kahorr wasn't pleased with this and sent two bounty hunters after the two hyperspace explorers. But they were saved by two Jedi, Odan-Urr and Memit Nadill. They advised them to leave the Koros system, because it was not safe for them. Gav and Jori stole back the Starbreaker 12 and desperately fled the system with random hyperspace coordinates.
On Korriban on the far side of the galaxy, a funeral procession was held for Marka Ragnos, a Dark Lord of the Sith. The procession was lead by Ludo Kressh, but just when the tomb is about to be closed, his nemesis arrived, Naga Sadow. A fight about who should be the next Dark Lord ensued between the two rivals, but they were stopped by the ghost of Marka Ragnos, who warned them of what was to come.
Meanwhile, back in the Koros system, Odan-Urr had a premonition about the evil Jedi banished centuries ago. He told Empress Teta about his dreams, and she promised that she would raise the matter on Coruscant.
Back on Korriban, the Starbreaker 12 arrived and Gav and Jori were captured by the Sith forces.
On Ziost, the Sith Lords discussed what to do with the prisoners. After a long debate it was decided to have Gav and Jori killed. But Naga Sadow, seeing in these prisoners a chance to expand the Sith Empire, did not give up that easily. He sent one of his Massassi warriors to retrieve the weapons on their ship. He hatched a plan to capture the prisoners for himself and use them to regain contact with the Republic.
Together with his most loyal Massassi warriors, he freed the Daragons. But to keep his identity hidden from the other Sith Lords, he had to kill everyone in his path, including his old mentor Simus. He left a Republic blaster behind, to let others think it was an attack by the Republic. Gav and Jori were sent to his stronghold on Khar Shian and Sadow returned to Ziost where an urgent meeting was held between the Sith Lords. The other Sith Lords were indecisive about what to do and in the confusion he claimed to be named the new Dark Lord of the Sith. The other Sith Lords, except Ludo Kressh and his supporters, agreed.
Sadow immediately called upon the others to prepare their ships and warriors so they could attack the Republic first.
Empress Teta and her two Jedi advisors had arrived at Coruscant, where she addressed the Senate about Odan-Urr's premonition, but the people listening did not believe her. Even without the help of the Republic, Teta decided to prepare her own forces.
In Naga Sadow's hidden fortress on the dark side of Khar Shian, Gav Daragon was trained in the ways of the Sith by Naga Sadow.
Naga Sadow sent his Massassi warriors to retrieve the Starbreaker 12 from Ziost and then traveled to his decoy fortress on Khar Delba, where Jori Daragon was held. On Ziost, Sadow's loyal Massassi stole the Starbreaker 12, but not without leaving evidence of their Master's involvement. Ludo Kressh discoved this evidence, and together with his supporters, Horak-mul and Dor Gal-ram, he prepared to attack Sadow's fortress on Khar Delba. Meanwhile the Starbreaker 12 arrived there.
Ludo Kressh' forces had arrived at Khar Delba and had opened fire at Sadow's apparently defenseless fortress. Naga Sadow convinced Jori Daragon that she must return to the Republic before the fortress is destroyed. Reluctant to leave her brother behind she agreed. After the Starbreaker 12 had escaped to hyperspace, Sadow called in his fleet that he had hidden on the dark side of Khar Shian. But that was not all; Massassi warriors on the ships of Horak-mul and Dol Gal-ram killed the Sith Lords and directed their fire on the ships of Ludo Kressh, who had no choice but to retreat. After this victory, Naga Sadow prepared his forces to invade the Republic, using the tracing beacon hidden on the Starbreaker 12.
本作講述的是Sith Empire首次知道Republic的存在、充滿野心的Naga Sadow利用兩名落難的Republic探索家以奪權並向Republic展開全面侵略的過程。
在這個時間點裡,Sith是一個種族而不是一個「宗教」,這個種族好戰、野蠻,卻只是在自己的星球發展,甚至連勞役的都是Sith下等種族,與外星種族沒有任何來往,在Outer rim自成一國。然而,最高位者的Sith Lords也能使用"Tricks" / "Magic",類近於Jedi的能力。
我認為本作最大的重點是講述了Sith Empire的起源。本作提及到在更早的時間,一群Jedi投身於dark side,與其他Jedi決鬥後落敗,最終被流放到Outer Rim。這些流放Jedi到達了一個叫Korriban的星球,當地的Sith種族奉他們為神明,於是這些Dark Jedi就在此落地生根,向這些Sith傳授Jedi Skill,有些更與Sith交配繁衍,故來到今日,有些Sith仍然保留人類的特徵,比如Sadow就是人類與Sith的混血兒,面部輪廓仍保留人類的感覺,眉骨也沒有純種Sith般突出。
換言之,如依照這個設定,數千年後的Sith Lord,其起源也是Jedi,不過是Dark Jedi而已。這也能解釋到何以Sith也是以Lightsaber作為武器。
本作大部份劇情都在描寫Naga的故事,作為本作的主角,其權謀詭計的確可觀,頗有一點Darth Sidious的感覺,不過是我自己太膚淺了,見不到Sith使用光劍,感覺總是有點不妥,即使我明白他是Sith族,而不是我所認識的Sith,我還是有這麼幼稚的偏見。
而本作中出現的兩名Jedi,也能稍為揭露出當時Jedi的能力與職責。每一個星球統治者都會獲派一名Jedi Master作為輔助者,Jedi也會協助投入戰事,而這兩名Jedi也展現出他們的能力——運用Battle Meditation,提升友軍的信心和戰意,同一時間恫嚇敵人,在心理上逼使敵人必會戰敗。真是方便的能力呀。
總括而言,這只是Sith Empire與Old Republic全面交戰的源起,並未進入戲肉,但作為宏大交戰的第一部份,本作恰如其份的充當前傳角色,簡而精的交代了Sith Empire的文化、風氣,以及野心家Naga Sadow的堀起,已是很不錯的故事了。