Sinestro Crops War

近來漫畫癮起,又看了一部DC漫畫,這次看的是Sinestro Crops War,在當時與Star Wars Trilogy一同比較的大型事件,當然,在我眼中,這兩部作品可無法相提並論。

由於我對這種主要是大戰連場的故事沒有太多的愛,我可不會如上次Identity Crisis般詳細紀錄劇情,眼見Wiki上的資料大致完整,便又借過來了。

Following his defeat in Green Lantern: Rebirth, the events of Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1 see the supervillain Sinestro retreat to the planet Qward in the Antimatter Universe. There he amasses an army, the Sinestro Corps, that he selects based upon their ability to "instill great fear". Each member is armed with a yellow power ring, mirroring the green ones of the Green Lantern Corps. Amongst Sinestro's allies are Parallax and the resurrected Anti-Monitor. The Sinestro Corps then launch an all-out assault against the Green Lantern Corps and the universe itself.[1]
During the assault on Oa, the Sinestro Corps manages to inflict heavy casualties and freeSuperman-Prime and the Cyborg Superman from their imprisonment. Kyle Rayner is captured and transported to Qward, where Sinestro manages to separate Rayner from the symbiote Ionallowing Parallax to possess him.[2] In Green Lantern (vol. 4) #21 the heroes Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Guy Gardner attempt to rescue fallen comrade Kyle Rayner, but are themselves entrapped, with Jordan transported to face Sinestro and his allies.[3] A failed bid to rescue Jordan depicted in Green Lantern (vol. 4) #22 sees surviving members of the Green Lantern Corps forced underground and split into two groups.[4] While one group attempts to free Jordan only to find themselves ambushed, the other successfully rescues Ion. They then re-unite with their ambushed comrades and together they escape from Qward back to the positive matter universe. Hal, John and Guy return to Earth to warn the Justice League of the Anti-Monitor's return.
As the Sinestro Corps spreads out to ambush Green Lanterns across the universe, Green Lantern (vol. 4) #23 sees the Guardians decide to rewrite their sacred text, the Book of Oa. They remove a section devoted to a prophecy concerning the "Blackest Night", against the objections of two of their number, Ganthet and Sayd. They then add ten new laws, the first of which authorizes the use of lethal force against the Sinestro Corps, while Ganthet and Sayd are expelled from Oa. As the Green Lanterns gather on Oa in preparation for a Sinestro Corps assault, the Sinestro Corps teleport themselves and their Central Power Battery instead to a new Warworld, their objective revealed to be Earth.[5] Events in Green Lantern Corps (vol. 2) #16 show Hal informing the Green Lantern Corps of Sinestro's plans.[6]
Green Lantern (vol. 4) #24 continues the story, with Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corps members battling across Earth. Hal manages to free Kyle from Parallax before the entity is imprisoned in their power batteries by Ganthet and Sayd.[7] After John and Guy arrive, the former Guardians reveal to them the prophecy of the "Blackest Night", seen in Green Lantern (vol. 4) #25. It foretells of five more Corps arising, each based on a different color and emotion. After the five corps are established, a "War of Light" will ensue, in which all the corps are destroyed, leading to the "Blackest Night".[8]
The Guardians arrive on Earth and appoint Sodam Yat to be the new Ion(but he is defeated by Superboy-Prime easily). After a lengthy struggle in New York, the Sinestro Corps are defeated by the overwhelming numbers against them(The triumph is mainly contributed to the allowance of the lethal force of the green lanterns). On the other side, Guy and John throw the Yellow Lantern Battery to Anti-Monitor, the explosion hurt the latter, Superboy-Prime attack Anti-Monitor as well(He hates Anti-Monitor because of the damage of his earth by him). One of the Guardians sacrifices himself to send Superman-Prime to an alternate universe and another, Scar, suffers a major wound at the hands of the Anti-Monitor, while Hal and Kyle subdue and arrest Sinestro in Coast City. The Cyborg Superman, who is severely damaged in the explosion of the battery, is found alive by the Manhunter Robots, he looks so disappointed as he demand death desperately. It is learned 440 Green Lanterns perished during the course of the war.[9]
As seen in Green Lantern (vol. 4) #25, the Guardians decide to bring the second of the new laws into effect. After realizing that the "Blackest Night" prophecy will come to pass, Ganthet and Sayd depart after creating a blue power ring with the intention of creating their own Corps, based on the spreading of Hope to the rest of the universe. The Anti-Monitor, having been blown across the vacuum of space at the battle's climax, finds itself on a dark planet. Here it is transformed by an unknown force into a Black Power Battery.[8]

看過這部作品後,我對Green Lanterns的成員又有多一點的認識了。其實我是頗喜歡GL的設定的,這種講求團隊合作的戰警(其實也是Hal的個人主義了),與獨來獨往Batman(其實很多時候也有同伴Back up) 剛好形成對比,HalBatman也時常有意見相左的時候,當然我還是會支持Batman的。


剛剛看本作時,著實被反派的陣容所嚇倒,Sinestro固然是個狠角色,而這次他還找來ParallaxSuperboy-PrimeCyborg Superman以及Anti-Monitor,這……不是太猛了嗎?這四人都是能夠以一敵百的呀,GL他們能夠打得過嗎?

當然,作者們又怎可能會讓邪惡戰勝正義的戲碼上映?在本作中,GL出現了一個足以影響以後劇情的轉變,就是准許對Sinestro Crops使用致命武力的規條,後來,GL更能對所有敵人下殺手,這不禁讓人擔心,這個不殺生的軍團會從此變質嗎?不過當我們看見GLSC作戰時,因為不能殺生而陷入苦戰,讀者們大概也會支持這個重大變革吧。這是一場戰爭,不殺生可不會勝利的。

此外,這次成為新一代Parallax的是Kyle,不過為了不會喧賓奪主,這次他沒多少重大戰績,還是與Hal打著好玩罷了。不過由當今畫師所刻劃的Parallax,外型比多年前至兇惡、更像怪物,倒要讚一個,不愧是我最愛的反派之一。Kyle戰勝了Parallax後,沒再擔任Ion,當回GL,新的Ion是一個叫Sodam Yat的新兵,結果他兩下子就被人打趴了,真是太失望了,連展露一下神威的機會都沒有,據知他之後也沒有重要作為,太凄慘了。

本作中,GanthetSayd製造出藍燈,而Anti-Monitor也成為了黑燈電池,這也解釋了我三年前看Blackest Night的不解之處,看來我還是重新把Blackest Night看一次吧,反正當時看得一頭霧水。

其實本作很大部份都在作戰,沒有太多文戲,主要的大改變就是上文提過的地方,所以本作大概可不歸類為Crossover,反正重點都投放在GL身上。雖然內容不算豐富,不過不停出現的戰鬥也相當刺激吸引,所以我也很快讀完了,算是一部不錯的戰爭故事,不過與Star Wars比,那就差得遠了。


