看完這部3D IMAX,好頭暈呀!
In 1989, scientist Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. after discovering that they attempted to replicate his Ant-Man shrinking technology. Believing the technology is dangerous, Pym vows to hide it as long as he lives. In the present day, Pym's estranged daughter, Hope van Dyne, and former protégé, Darren Cross, have forced him out of his own company. Cross is close to perfecting a shrinking suit of his own, the Yellowjacket, which horrifies Pym.
對於漫畫迷而言,Ant-Man是個很重要的角色,不少大事件都與這名英雄有關,例如創造出Ultron,已是個極度重要的創作。本作中的Hank Pym已是個老人,過去擔任Ant-Man的時光已過去,加上妻子Janet以Wasp的身份壯烈「戰死」一事,他已變得有點悲觀,不想失去自己的女兒,但也非常關注自己以前的助手會否利用自己發明的particles為非作歹。本作中只有很短的回憶片段能見到Hank穿上戰衣,這點我有點失望,這可不夠深刻呀,我寧可前半段的時間分一點給這部份。
主角Scott Lang雖然曾經入獄,但至少不是大奸大惡之徒,亦很疼愛自己的女兒。可惜她與女兒的交流畫面不夠,他是個好爸爸的刻劃同樣不夠深刻,實在有點浪費。但Paul Rudd確實是個好演員,能把Scott這個角色演得十分討好,個性很立體,曾犯法的設定對於Marvel電影世界來說,也是個頗新鮮的存在。
我同樣很喜歡本作對於Ant Man與Ants合作的描寫。本作中細小的螞蟻發揮著很大的作用,能飛天、能作小艇,絕對是Ant Man的最佳拍擋。這讓我聯想到,看上去弱小的生物,只要能好好合作,發揮出的作用可是能夠使人吃驚。而主角與「戰友」的合作,其合作無間的程度,某程度上猶勝於Avengers。
說到Avengers,本作也有一名成員客串,就是New Avengers的Falcon,他與Scott也有大打一場,惜惜相識,希望邀請Scott成為隊中的一員。以這個形式把Ant Man帶入CA3 Civil War中,確實是個好方法,這也算是為萬眾矚目的Civil War加大籌碼吧,畢竟越多英雄參與就越有看頭。
另一點我認為有點可惜的是,Scott在最終戰中縮小到亞原子大小,更進入了quantum realm。本作中,聰明的Scott很快就想到把早前Hank交給他的那個能放大目標的飛鏢,把它放在腰帶的調節器中,使自己順利回到reality。我在想,如果這段能花多一點時間去描寫Quantum realm的虛無,相信能夠加強戲劇張力,絕望感會再大一點。不過我也明白到基於時間考慮及本作的風格,這也未必是最合理的做法。也有人指在quantum realm中見到奇怪的身影,猜想是當年同樣進入這個地方的Janet,這我可沒有留意到,大概是一個伏筆?
呀,Ant Man和Yellow Jacket的戰衣都很有型,有點似Kamen Rider,很合我的口味。
如果要我為迄今的Marvel電影排名,我心中的第一名是CA2,第二名是GotG,第三是Iron Man 1,第四就是本作了。總結而言,本作是一部很恰如其分的作品,能夠讓人花費120分鐘後,滿足地離開。這已是能夠稱得上是好作品的條件,不是嗎?
In 1989, scientist Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. after discovering that they attempted to replicate his Ant-Man shrinking technology. Believing the technology is dangerous, Pym vows to hide it as long as he lives. In the present day, Pym's estranged daughter, Hope van Dyne, and former protégé, Darren Cross, have forced him out of his own company. Cross is close to perfecting a shrinking suit of his own, the Yellowjacket, which horrifies Pym.
Upon his release from prison, well-meaning thief Scott Lang moves in with his old cellmate, Luis. Lang's ex-wife, Maggie—engaged to policeman Paxton—agrees to let Lang see his daughter Cassie if he provides child support. Unable to hold a job due to his criminal record, Lang agrees to join Luis' crew and commit a burglary for money. Lang breaks into a house and cracks its safe, but only finds what he believes to be an old motorcycle suit, which he takes home. After trying the suit on, Lang accidentally shrinks himself to the size of an insect. Terrified by the experience, he returns the suit to the house, but is arrested on the way out. Pym, the homeowner, visits Lang in jail and smuggles the suit into his cell to help him break out.
At his home, Pym, who manipulated Lang through Luis into stealing the suit as a test, wants Lang to become the new Ant-Man to steal the Yellowjacket from Cross. Van Dyne, who has been spying on Cross for Pym despite her strained relationship with her father, helps Pym train Lang to fight and to control ants. They send him to steal a device from the Avengers' headquarters, where he briefly fights Sam Wilson. While van Dyne still shows anger towards Pym about her mother Janet's death, he reveals that Janet, known as the Wasp, disappeared into a subatomic quantum realm to disable a Soviet nuclear missile. Pym warns Lang that he could suffer a similar fate if he overrides his suit's safeguards.
Cross perfects the Yellowjacket and invites Pym to the unveiling ceremony. Lang, along with his crew and a swarm of flying ants, infiltrates the building during the event, sabotages the servers, and plants explosives. When he attempts to steal the Yellowjacket, he is trapped by Cross, who intends to sell both the Yellowjacket and Ant-Man suits toHydra, led by Mitchell Carson. Lang breaks free and defeats most of the Hydra agents, though Carson is able to flee with a vial of Cross' particles. Lang pursues Cross as he escapes, while the explosives detonate, vaporizing the building.
Cross dons the Yellowjacket and fights Lang before Lang is arrested by Paxton. His mind addled by the imperfect shrinking technology, Cross holds Cassie hostage to lure Lang into another fight; this time, Lang shrinks to subatomic size to penetrate Cross' suit and sabotage it to shrink uncontrollably, killing Cross. Lang disappears into the quantum realm but manages to reverse the suit's mechanism and return to the real world. In gratitude for Lang's heroism, Paxton covers for Lang to keep him out of prison. Seeing that Lang survived and returned from the quantum realm, Pym wonders if his wife is alive as well. Later, Lang meets up with Luis, who tells him that Wilson is looking for him.
In a mid-credits scene, Pym shows van Dyne a new Wasp prototype suit and offers it to her. In a post-credits scene, Wilson and Steve Rogers have Bucky Barnes in their custody. Unable to contact Tony Stark due to "the accords", Wilson mentions that he "know[s] a guy".
對於漫畫迷而言,Ant-Man是個很重要的角色,不少大事件都與這名英雄有關,例如創造出Ultron,已是個極度重要的創作。本作中的Hank Pym已是個老人,過去擔任Ant-Man的時光已過去,加上妻子Janet以Wasp的身份壯烈「戰死」一事,他已變得有點悲觀,不想失去自己的女兒,但也非常關注自己以前的助手會否利用自己發明的particles為非作歹。本作中只有很短的回憶片段能見到Hank穿上戰衣,這點我有點失望,這可不夠深刻呀,我寧可前半段的時間分一點給這部份。
主角Scott Lang雖然曾經入獄,但至少不是大奸大惡之徒,亦很疼愛自己的女兒。可惜她與女兒的交流畫面不夠,他是個好爸爸的刻劃同樣不夠深刻,實在有點浪費。但Paul Rudd確實是個好演員,能把Scott這個角色演得十分討好,個性很立體,曾犯法的設定對於Marvel電影世界來說,也是個頗新鮮的存在。
我同樣很喜歡本作對於Ant Man與Ants合作的描寫。本作中細小的螞蟻發揮著很大的作用,能飛天、能作小艇,絕對是Ant Man的最佳拍擋。這讓我聯想到,看上去弱小的生物,只要能好好合作,發揮出的作用可是能夠使人吃驚。而主角與「戰友」的合作,其合作無間的程度,某程度上猶勝於Avengers。
說到Avengers,本作也有一名成員客串,就是New Avengers的Falcon,他與Scott也有大打一場,惜惜相識,希望邀請Scott成為隊中的一員。以這個形式把Ant Man帶入CA3 Civil War中,確實是個好方法,這也算是為萬眾矚目的Civil War加大籌碼吧,畢竟越多英雄參與就越有看頭。
另一點我認為有點可惜的是,Scott在最終戰中縮小到亞原子大小,更進入了quantum realm。本作中,聰明的Scott很快就想到把早前Hank交給他的那個能放大目標的飛鏢,把它放在腰帶的調節器中,使自己順利回到reality。我在想,如果這段能花多一點時間去描寫Quantum realm的虛無,相信能夠加強戲劇張力,絕望感會再大一點。不過我也明白到基於時間考慮及本作的風格,這也未必是最合理的做法。也有人指在quantum realm中見到奇怪的身影,猜想是當年同樣進入這個地方的Janet,這我可沒有留意到,大概是一個伏筆?
呀,Ant Man和Yellow Jacket的戰衣都很有型,有點似Kamen Rider,很合我的口味。
如果要我為迄今的Marvel電影排名,我心中的第一名是CA2,第二名是GotG,第三是Iron Man 1,第四就是本作了。總結而言,本作是一部很恰如其分的作品,能夠讓人花費120分鐘後,滿足地離開。這已是能夠稱得上是好作品的條件,不是嗎?