Countdown to Infinite Crisis - Rann-Thanagar War

Rann-Thanagar War

早前曾說過我要在正式閱讀Infinite Crisis前,先把重要的Countdown to Infinite Crisis系列都讀完。這次要記下感想的,就是這部Rann-Tanangar War


During Planet Heist, Adam Strange fought a rogue group of Thanagarians. During the battle, the leader of the group transported Strange's adopted homeworld of Rann into the Thanagarian system in the hope of creating a dictatorship. However, Rann's new location caused the orbit of Thanagar to become unstable, and the planet crashed into the system's sun. The surviving Thanagarians and Rannians now all live on Rann, and tensions are high between the two groups, as each blames the other for their predicament.

Aware that war could erupt at any time, Strange goes to Earth to recruit the help of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, who have a connection to Thanagar, in preventing a war. Meanwhile, Green Lanterns Kilowog and Kyle Rayner are sent on a covert mission to Rann, albeit under orders by the Guardians of the Universe not to interfere.

When Strange and the Hawks arrive on Rann, they are shocked to see that the war has already begun. They form a team, including the Thanagarian Hawkwoman and the Tamaranean Blackfire. More and more planets are drawn into the war as Rann and Thanagar each call on their respective allies. Seeing a chance to seize power, Blackfire betrays the group, killing Hawkwoman in the process. It becomes clear that all factions have a common enemy: Onimar Synn. With the help of Tigorr of the Omega Men and Captain Comet, Strange's team manages to cut Synn into seven pieces, and each piece is inserted into a separate star to prevent him from reforming.

At the end of the series, the assorted forces of Rann and Thanagar are faced with a fracture in space that resembles those that were seen during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

簡單來說就是一名Thanagarian奸角利用轉移裝置把Rann星球傳送到Thanagar所在星系中,打算製造Rann想入侵Thanagar的假象以引起戰爭,以戰爭中的死靈作為貢品,獻上他們Seven Hell組織信奉的邪神Onimar Synn the Soul Eater。不料Rann的出現使Thanagar星軌道改變而更加靠近她的太陽,終於使星球表面過熱不能居住,Rann遂接收Thanagar星的難民。但兩個星球的人互相猜忌,加上Seven Hell的人從中作梗,終使兩個星球間的大戰爆發。Rann的傳奇英雄Adam Strange在戰事開始前來地球找Thanagar星的英雄HawkmanHawkgirl幫忙,但回到Rann時已經太遲,他們唯有等待尋求和平的時機。另一方面,Green Lantern KyleCaptain CometThanagar星上知道了Synn的存在,但Synn的身體是由Nth合金所製造的,加上他以吸食靈魂來加強力量,又能召喚喪屍作戰,兩名英雄最終沒能阻止他前往Rann星。

在最終決戰前,一路以戰友身份分別協助RannThanagarTamarean女皇Blackfire露出真面目,擄走Thanagar之王,並殺死了Hawkwoman。而SynnKyle等人也分別來到了Rann,英雄們齊集一起,與Synn進行最終決戰。最終英雄們利用Rann的傳送裝置Omegar BeamSynn分成七分傳送到不同的星球,以免他再次合體歸來。在故事的最後,Blackfire在外星戰艦中誘導Thanagar之王繼續跟Rann交戰,看來事情還未結束……

其實我本來不太喜歡這種外星戰爭的劇情,一來我是地球本位派的,沒多少個地球人的故事我就是覺得不自在,二來這種劇情需要讀者對故事中出現的外星種族有一定認識,才能明白當中的關係。還好本作中牽涉的種族不算很多,主要都是Rannian, ThanagarianTamarean,我還能應付得了。

這次外星戰爭的劇情不算複雜,故事中以Adam Strange之口交代來龍去脈也夠簡潔易明,之後的劇情也不難猜想,有一個第三方大魔頭出現搞局,這也算是老梗,沒甚麼特別。

值得一談的是作為大魔王於本作中登場的Onimar Synn。作為一個擁有不死身、能驅使喪屍作戰的魔神級敵人,他實在太沒存在感了。從外型上看來,他絕對不像個擁有諾大力量的人,只像個巨大版的古代東方人。總之就是一點特色都沒有,教人過目即忘。然而他的能力可真不能小覷,畢竟他擁有喪屍大軍,正常人怎麼能打。不過他這個類似Nekron的能力在故事中也沒多大發揮,真的可惜。

說回主角方,Adam Strange可算是表現較為出眾的一個,在這次戰爭中扮演很重要的角色,反觀HawkmanHawkgirl,真的沒有特別作為,只是個走走逛逛的小角色……Kyle作為宇宙警察的一員,在這次亂局中也貢獻了不少汗水,加上他是個謙厚的好人,個性討好,也是故事中較為重要的人物。此外,作為Infinite Crisis的前奏,本作也有英雄喪命,就是Hawkwoman了。不過我對這個角色的認識不多,說起Hawkman的情人我也只想起Hawkgirl,加上在本作中對Hawkwoman的刻劃也不多,所以我對這名英雄的死亡也沒有特別感觸。



