The Return of Donna Troy

這陣子時間有點鬆動,我就落力地看漫畫了,是故又看了兩部關於Infinite CrisisCountdown故事,實在令人興奮。可是也因為這個速度,我實在沒辦法慢慢打上閱後感了,真的令我汗顏。



Donna Troy has now discovered that like every other person after the Crisis on Infinite Earths, she is a merger of every alternate version of Donna Troy in the Multiverse. Unlike everyone else, Donna is the repository of knowledge of every alternate universe version of herself and remembers the original Multiverse. She learned that her counterpart on Earth-Two was saved by a firefighter and was raised in an orphanage, while her Earth-S counterpart died in the fire. She also discovered that her sworn enemy of the past, Dark Angel, was in fact the Donna Troy of Earth-Seven, saved from certain death by the Anti-Monitor, just like the Monitor had saved Harbinger. When the Multiverse was reconfigured in one single Universe, Dark Angel, who had somehow escaped the compression of every Donna Troy into one single person in the new Earth, sought to kill her (every life she forced her to relive was in fact an aspect of an alternate Donna as a way to avoid the merging and remain the last one standing). When she was defeated, Donna became the real sum of every Donna Troy that existed on every Earth, a living key to the lost Multiverse.

Her role in Infinite Crisis is, at the end of The Return of Donna Troy, fully stated: Donna had been reborn after her death at the hands of the Superman android. The Titans of Myth, realizing that she was the child who was destined to save them from some impending threat, brought her to New Cronus and implanted false memories within her mind to make her believe she was the original Goddess of the Moon and wife of Coeus. The Titans of Myth incited war between other worlds near New Cronus in order to gain new worshippers. They would then use the combined power of their collective faith to open a passageway into another reality, where they would be safe from destruction. Donna was another means to that end until she was found by the Titans and The Outsiders who restored her true memories. This was not without casualties, however. Sparta (who was restored to full mental health and stripped of the bulk of her power) had been made an officer in the Titans of Myth's royal military. She was sacrificed by the Titans of Myth in an attempt to lay siege to the planet, Minosyss, which housed a Sun-Eater factory miles beneath its surface. Sparta's death had inadvertently helped trigger Donna's memory restoration. Athyns had also reappeared by this time, and aided the heroes and the Mynossian resistance in battling the Titans of Myth. It was then that Hyperion, the Titan of the Sun, revealed Donna's true origins to her and ordered her to open a passageway into another reality by means of a dimensional nexus that once served as a gateway to the Multiverse itself, within the Sun-Eater factory's core. This turned out to be the Titans of Myth's real target. Donna did so, but fearing they would simply continue with their power-mad ambitions, she banished most of them into Tartarus. However, Hyperion and his wife, Thia, were warned of the deception at the last moment. Enraged, they turned on Donna, intending to kill her for the betrayal, but Coeus activated the Sun-Eater to save her and Arsenal. As the Sun-Eater began absorbing their vast solar energies, Hyperion and Thia tried to escape through the Nexus, but they were both torn apart by the combined forces of the Nexus' dimensional pull and the Sun-Eater's power. Coeus, who had learned humility and compassion from Donna, vowed to guard the gateway to make certain the other Titans of Myth remained imprisoned forever.


這部作品的主線當然如標題所言,是Donna Troy的回歸。此外,本作的主要角色還有Donna的一眾好友及舊情人,Titans的成員。各人對於Donna的不同看法,在故事中也產生了一定的磨擦,但整體而言,Donna還是各人心目中的好戰友、好情人。




不過話說回來,其實也只是我這種孤陋寡聞的人才會對Titans如此陌生,始終數年前DC曾推出過名為Young Justice的動畫,講述了很多Titans成員的冒險,相信那個時候的影迷對於這個年青的組織會有更大的興趣及投入感吧。此外,Titans的成員有部份是有名英雄的助手,例如BatmanRobinGreen ArrowSpeedyThe FlashKid Flash等等,較有資歷的愛好者一定會熟悉吧。果然還是我太嫩了。

我會閱讀這個故事,很大程度是因為這本作也是其中一部Countdown to Infinite Crisis,可是我看過本作以後,我認為本作與Infinite Crisis的關係其實不算很大,沒有看過本作的話,大概只需知道Donna已經復活也就足夠了。

不過在本作中,我看到作者們落力把Donna打造成一個不平凡的角色。光是把她設定為另一個版本的Harbinger已是角色定位的大提升。雖然本作中把她「升格」的方式不盡完滿,但也使我感到震驚的了。如今看來,Donna能知道過去與未來,其重要性也堪比她當年的Mentor Wonder Woman了。某種意義上來說,她比WW更加重要。

而在本作的最後,知道了自己的特殊身分的Donna擁有Harbinger留給她的「資訊球」,她終於能夠完全地回憶起過去,也有能力看到未來的事。而當她看到未來的事之後,露出驚訝的表情……這個劇情大概也算是與Infinite Crisis最有關聯的段落了吧。雖然我也明知道Donna的驚訝只是作者們的虛張聲勢,但我還是不禁對往後的劇情感到期待。

話說,我現在才知道Infinite Crisis有那麼多的Countdown故事,我快忍不住要偷步了!可是我還得忍耐一下,始終還有三本重要的Countdown故事未看,為了減少在閱讀Infinite Crisis時不停上網google背景故事,我要堅持下去呀!


